June 2018

Radio Archive

BBC Radio 4 documentary, Gove in Government. Love him or hate him, Michael Gove has been an extraordinarily effective minister. How does he do it?

BBC World Service episode of The Inquiry. What can we learn about men and women from people who’ve lived as both?

BBC Radio 4 documentary, ‘Nudge Nudge’. To mark the tenth anniversary of the behavioural science book ‘Nudge’, possibly the most influential popular science book ever.

BBC Radio 4 Analysis programme, ‘Why Are Even Women Biased Against Women?’ An examination of unconscious bias: where it comes from and what we can do about it.

BBC Radio 4 documentary, ‘Can The Centre Hold?’
An analysis of how centrist parties are fighting back against populism.

BBC Radio 4 documentary, ‘Who Are You Again?’
A programme about prosopagnosia, otherwise known as faceblindness.

BBC Radio 4 show, ‘Start The Week’
Discussion about Romans, Celts, prehistory and evolution with guests Tom Holland, Matt Ridley, Barry Cunliffe and Julia Farley

BBC Radio 4 show, ‘Start The Week’
Discussion about gender and masculinity with guests Grayson Perry, Emma Rice, Alice Coote and Kelley Swain

BBC Radio 4 show, ‘Start The Week’
Discussion about nature and nurture with guests Oliver James, Marcus Munafo, Helen Bailey and Joseph Bullman

BBC Radio 4 show, ‘Start The Week’
Discussion about political satire with guests Jonathan Coe, Peter Brookes, Roger Michell and Mia Chung

BBC Radio 4 show, ‘Start The Week’
Discussion about patterns in the universe with guests Frank Wilczek, Matt Parker, Gerald Finley and Shobana Jeyasingh

BBC Radio 4 programme, ‘Profile’
Of Rupert Harrison, then chief economic adviser to the Chancellor, George Osborne.

BBC Radio 4 programme, ‘Profile’
Of Russian President Vladimir Putin

BBC Radio 4 programame, ‘Profile’
Of Janet Yellen, Chair of the Federal Reserve

BBC Radio 4 programme, ‘Profile’
Of Hassan Rouhani, President of Iran

About the author

Journalist, author, public speaker, consultant, non-executive director, broadcaster

Mary Ann Sieghart is author of the best-selling book, The Authority Gap: Why Women Are Still Taken Less Seriously Than Men, and What We Can Do About it and Founding Partner of The Authority Gap Consultancy. She spent 20 years as Assistant Editor and columnist at The Times and won a large following for her columns on politics, economics, feminism, parenthood and life in general. She has presented many programmes on BBC Radio 4, such as Start the Week, Profile, Analysis, Fallout and One to One. She chaired the revival of The Brains Trust on BBC2 and recently spent a year as a Visiting Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford. She has chaired the Social Market Foundation think tank, is a Visiting Professor at the Global Institute for Women’s Leadership at King’s College London, and sits on numerous boards. She was Chair of the judges for the Women’s Prize for Fiction 2022.

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Mary Ann Sieghart